Made of the sturdy fibers of the flax plant, linen fabrics are crisp, cool, and incredibly strong. Linen fabrics are excellent for garments, bed hangings, window curtains, and table linens. Below are a small selection of linens with patterns created by color and texture.

Weaving in progress on indigo crossbar linen to be used by the Betsy Ross House Museum for 18th century bed hangings.

A detail of a five-harness spot weave being reproduced for use as table linens.

A detail of a small check reproduced for The First Oval Office, a collaboration between The Museum of the American Revolution and Colonial Williamsburg.

18 yards of natural and bleached linen for a contemporary upholstery project wound on the cloth beam.

Darning checked linen for the Felix Vallee House Museum.

Lynnette weaving a red and white checked 18th century linen for George Washington's Ferry Farm and Historic Kenmore.

An assortment of plain and checked linens.

Detail of a reproduction early 19th century Neck Handkerchief in indigo and bleached linen.

Gold and bleached linen check.